
CD MICHAEL COLGRASS - COMPOSER'S COLLECTION: 80th Anniversary Edition(2枚組) ★『アークティック・ドリーム』『ナグアルの風』収録 [GIA Publishing CD-880]

販売価格: 3,620円(税別)

(税込: 3,982円)


店頭在庫切れの場合 お取り寄せ 通常3営業日前後


1 Arctic Dreams: Inuit Landscape
[ Michael Colgrass ] ( 4:02 )
2 Arctic Dreams: Throat Singing with Laughter ( 2:13 )
3. Arctic Dreams: The Whispering Voices ( 4:22 )
4. Arctic Dreams: Polar Night ( 4:26 )
5. Arctic Dreams: Spring Light ( 2:31 )
6. Arctic Dreams: The Hunt ( 3:16 )
7. Arctic Dreams: Drum Dancer ( 5:01 )
8. Mysterious Village
[ Michael Colgrass ] ( 5:24 )
9. Deja Vu
[ Michael Colgrass ] ( 16:58 )
10. The Beethoven Machine
[ Michael Colgrass ] ( 6:04 )
11. Raag Mala
[ Michael Colgrass ] ( 12:58 )
1 Winds of Nagual: The Desert, Don Juan Emerges from the Mountains
[ Michael Colgrass ] ( 4:25 )
2 Winds of Nagual: Don Genaro Appears ( 2:18 )
3 Winds of Nagual: Carls Stares at the River and Becomes a Bubble ( 2:56 )
4 Winds of Nagual: The Gait of power ( 2:27 )
5 Winds of Nagual: Asking Twilight for Calmness and Power ( 5:23 )
6 Winds of Nagual: Don Juan Clowns for Carlos ( 2:41 )
7 Winds of Nagual: Last Conversation and Farewell ( 4:46 )
8 Old Churches
[ Michael Colgrass ] ( 5:26 )
8 Urban Requiem
[ Michael Colgrass ] ( 31:33 )
11 Apache Lullaby
[ Michael Colgrass ] ( 4:30 )
12 Bali
[ Michael Colgrass ] ( 8:40 )
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